“Most dying people regret not the things they did, but the things they didn’t do.”
– Olga Rickards
As the year comes to a close, many of us begin reflecting on the past 12 months—celebrating our wins and pondering what we want to create in the year ahead. The end of the year is always a time for setting goals, envisioning success, and asking ourselves what we truly want to achieve in the future.
Yet, it’s often at this time that our fears start to creep in. We hesitate, second-guessing ourselves, worrying that we might fail. Maybe we’re haunted by past challenges, or maybe we just feel safer staying small. It’s easier to play it safe than to take risks, especially after tough years that may have shaken our confidence.
But what if we approached this moment differently? What if, instead of playing small, we allowed ourselves to dream big?
This question is often posed in the personal development world, and I’ve asked it of countless clients and myself when striving to gain clarity about life’s purpose or the next steps in our professional and personal journeys. It’s a powerful question because it pushes us beyond the limits of our fears and into the realm of possibility.
So why don’t we dream bigger? Why don’t we create the life we truly desire? Too often, we limit ourselves by what we’ve experienced in the past, by what we think is possible, or by the doubts we carry in our minds.
The truth is, we all have an incredible creative potential within us—one that is often stifled as we grow older. Studies like NASA’s Longitudinal Test of Creative Potential show that by adulthood, we’ve lost 96% of our creativity. It’s not that we don’t have the potential to dream big; it’s that somewhere along the way, we’ve stopped allowing ourselves to.
But it’s not too late. The key is learning how to access that creative potential again and take action to bring our biggest dreams to life.
4 Keys to Dream B.I.G. and Create What You Want in 2025
As we look ahead to 2025, I want to offer you four powerful keys to unlock your creative genius and take bold action toward your dreams. These keys will help you tap into your full potential, embrace challenges, and create the life you’ve always dreamed of—regardless of past setbacks or doubts.
1) Dream B.I.G.
The first step to achieving what you truly want in life is to allow yourself to dream. Take the time to really envision your ideal life—what you want to be, do, and have. And I’m not talking about the small dreams. Think BIG.
Be Bold in your vision of what you want. Be Imaginative in how you plan to take action. Be Giving with your gifts to others as you create your dreams.
When you allow yourself to dream big, you invite infinite possibilities into your life. This is where it all begins—by envisioning what is truly possible, not just what seems safe or realistic.
2) Surround Yourself with B.I.G. People
Your environment plays a huge role in how far you can go in life. Surround yourself with people who dream big, who push you to think bigger, act bolder, and believe in your potential. These “B.I.G. people” will help hold you accountable and inspire you to keep pushing forward when you want to give up.
If you don’t have a supportive community in your immediate circle, it’s time to seek it out. Hire a coach, find a mentor, or join a group of like-minded individuals who are all striving to achieve their biggest dreams.
In the Breaking Through to Create Your Best Year EVER course, you’ll not only learn how to think bigger but also gain access to a powerful community of like-minded individuals who will support you in your journey toward success.
Click here to join a community that will help you dream bigger and achieve more!
3) Reframe Failure as Learning
One of the biggest obstacles to achieving our dreams is the fear of failure. We’ve all experienced setbacks—those “failures” that haunt us and hold us back from taking risks.
But failure isn’t the end of the road; it’s an opportunity to learn, grow, and get closer to the success we desire.
Successful athletes know this—when they make a mistake, they don’t dwell on it. They analyze the lesson, adjust, and move forward. The same goes for you. Don’t let a setback stop you. Instead, ask yourself: What can I learn from this, and how can I use it to move forward?
Reframing failure as a learning experience will unlock your ability to take bigger risks and achieve greater success in 2025.
4) Choose an Action That Frightens You and Do It
Courage isn’t the absence of fear; it’s taking action despite it. We all have moments where fear holds us back from taking bold action, but I challenge you to choose one action that scares you and do it. Then, choose another and do that, too.
Think of a time when you were afraid to take action, and now reflect on the outcome. Maybe it didn’t go as planned, but I bet you learned something valuable. What would your life look like if you embraced that fear and kept taking action?
Taking courageous action is what propels you forward and builds momentum. When you consistently take action, no matter how small, you create unstoppable progress toward your dreams.
If you’re ready to tackle your fears and take the bold actions necessary to achieve your biggest dreams in 2025, the Breaking Through to Create Your Best Year EVER course will help you step into that courage and begin taking action today.
This year, I challenge you to step into the highest version of yourself. Ask yourself: What would I do if I knew I couldn’t fail? Then, take the steps to bring that vision to life.
If you’re ready to make 2025 your breakthrough year—one filled with purpose, action, and achievement—then join me in the Breaking Through to Create Your Best Year EVER course. Together, we’ll create a roadmap for you to achieve your most audacious dreams and build the life you truly desire.
CLICK HERE to begin your 2025 breakthrough journey today!
Happy New Year and here’s to dreaming bigger than ever!
Chris Natzke
Black Belt Leadership Speaking & Coaching
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