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5 Steps to Transform Fear into Fruition in 2024

Dec 18, 2023

“Vision without action is merely a dream. Action without vision just passes the time. Vision with action can change the world.”  

                                                                                                      - Joel A. Barker


I believe we are all born with a vision for what we want in our lives inside of us. 


Just think back to when you were child and the numerous visions you had for what you wanted to be in when you “grew up”.  Your imagination was boundless.  I personally wanted to be a cartoonist, a doctor, an astronaut and a super-hero (Actually, when I was 5-years old, I WAS Batman).


I believe these visions exist inside of us so we have a means to share our innate gifts in the world.  This is not just available for some of us, but for all of us.  However, this begs the question:  If this is true, why is it that so many of us allow those visions to merely become dreams that fade away because we never took action to make them a reality?


If you want to go for your dreams and make 2024 your best year ever, check out my

Breaking Through Coaching Program


Although many of those early career aspirations passed for me, the one that never left me was wanting to become a professional martial arts instructor. 


The dream took 22 years to come to fruition, but in 1995 I finally established the Family Martial Arts Center, which I owned and led for 17 years.  Looking back, this was one of the most rewarding times of my life.  It was a first time in my professional career I felt truly on purpose and those years were instrumental in me becoming the man and leader I am today.


But this experience almost didn’t happen.  Because of the illusion of fear and failure I had created in my mind, I almost walked away from my dream on several occasions; once just weeks after I had signed the lease on space that would become our school.


I look back on that experience of struggle and indecision as one of the most important growth times of my life.  Through it, I eventually learned the process of trusting my heart and “going for it”.  Today, I now assist my coaching clients in doing the same in their own lives and careers. 


From the experiences in both my own life and in the lives and careers of my clients, I have identified the following five-step process to moving from fear to fruition in bringing our visions into reality.


  1. Get clear about what you REALLY want – Take some time to get clear about what you truly want in your life. Many of us only allow vague representations of our visions to exist – afraid if we desire for too much, we will just be disappointed.   Refrain from putting limitations on your vision.  Really get into it and FEEL yourself being in the place of already having it.  It was placed in you for a reason.


  1. What's your Big WHY? - Author, Simon Sinek writes that most of us are clear about WHAT we do and even HOW we do it, but we are not at all clear about our WHY for doing it.  Obstacles will always surface on the road to making your visions come true.  Truly understanding your WHY is not only great for inspiring you and others; but can provide the fuel you may need to move through the tough times when they arrive.


  1. If you did not experience this vision, what would the IMPACT be in your life? – Anthony Robbins famously states that we are motivated by two feelings, PLEASURE and PAIN. Although I don’t recommend staying in the pain of unfulfilled dreams, dipping your toe in this feeling can be a great motivator in getting you inspired to keep moving ahead.


  1. Who can you ASK for help? – Many times, we do not go for our vision because we feel we need to do it all alone. My experience is that when I ask for help, people with the experience, wisdom and inspiration to move us ahead are all around us, just waiting to be asked for their help.  Asking for help when you need it is a sign of strength, not weakness.


  1. In order to create this vision in your life…….


  1. Who would you have to BE? – What qualities would you have to embrace?     (e.g. courage, pro-activeness, confidence, trust, strength, vulnerability). When you get down to it, it really isn’t about what you accomplish, but you become on the road to your dreams. 
  2. What would you have to DO? – What action steps, regardless of how small, would you need to do to get yourself moving. Small, consistent action done over time leads to massive results.
  3. What would you HAVE? – Lean into your vision as if it is already here. Get in touch with what you will have.  Act “as if”.  Walk confidently in the direction of your dreams.  Your visions do not come TO you, they come THROUGH


As the new year approaches (yes, in only 2weeks in will be 2022), take some time to reflect on your visions and dreams for how you could best share your gifts in the world.  If you knew you could not fail, what actions would you take? 


It is often said by hospice workers who are with patients who are at the end of their lives that the things those dying most regret are not the things they DID in their lives or the mistakes they made, but the things they DIDN’T do with their time here on earth.


What vision is living inside of you that is wanting to be expressed and what action are you willing to take so it doesn't just become a dream that fades with time?


Chris Natzke

Black Belt Leadership Speaking & Coaching


PS:  I you are looking to get started on making those visions a reality in 2024, click here to learn more about my Breaking Through Coaching Program.


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