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How are you BEing?

Jul 18, 2021

“Everything can be taken from a man but one thing, the last of the human freedoms – to choose one’s attitude in any set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.”

                                                                              - Viktor Frankl, Man’s Search for Meaning


Several years ago, while attending a month-long leadership training, the facilitator of the program made a statement that would prove to be life-changing for me. 


He began one of our first sessions together by saying,


"Most of you in this room are living your lives backwards.”


I thought that was an interesting statement, so I took out my pen to take some copious notes.  He then when onto say, "Most of you are living your lives from a perspective of Have-Do-Be." 


"When you have enough money, then you'll do the things you want to do, and you'll be happy."


"When you have more time, then you'll do the things you promised your kids you would do together, and you'll be a better parent."


"When you have more customers, then you'll do the expansion in your business, and you'll be successful."


Can you relate to this?  I know I sure did. 


The facilitator then went onto say that people who really had it going on, who were really experiencing both personal and professional success had turned those words around.  They lived their lives from a perspective of Be-Do-Have.


In reality, we really want the things on the "outside" because of what we want to experience on the "inside".  So, if you want more love, more happiness, more fulfillment, more patience - begin BEing that way, then DO the things that support that way of being and you can HAVE what you want.



Now, one word of caution.  When we intend to embody a positive attribute, the Universe has a way of bringing an opportunity to demonstrate or embody that way of being.


For instance, if we are wanting exhibit more patience in our lives, so much so that we focus our intention and prayers behind it, we probably won’t wake up one day as “Mother Teresa”.


On the contrary, what the Universe as a way of doing when we set such an intention is to place more opportunities in our lives to demonstrate the quality of patience.  


For example, the person may cut in line on your while at the grocery store or bank.  Traffic may come to a complete stop while you are already late to a meeting.  Or your children may pester for you for that sugary snack right before dinner when you have told them “No” several times before.


In each of these cases, we are being called to BE patient in order to realize the quality of it.  We can then DO, or act as a patience person would and HAVE the peace that comes with demonstrating that attribute in our life.


This week, I encourage you to identify a way of being that you want to experience and consciously practice it. 


If you want more confidence in your life, get in touch with what confidence feels like inside of you and practice that state of being.  Practice it actively by acting confident in your interactions with others, no matter how small, stand as a confident person would stand, talk as a confident person would speak and watch your life transform from the inside-out.


It all begins with being the change you wish to see your world.


Chris Natzke

Black Belt Leadership Speaking & Coaching

PS:  If you are looking to embody a positive quality that will lead to your own breakthrough, download a FREE introductory chapter of my new book, #1 Amazon best-seller, BREAKING THROUGH, by texting “breakthrough” to 720-741-6263.


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