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What Are You FOR vs. What Are You AGAINST?

May 25, 2021

“Dedicating your time to being AGAINST something is the same as dedicating your life to something you hate; you feed it with your energy.  Knowing what you are against, helps you decide what you are FOR.  From there, the best thing to do is to pour all of your focus and time and energy into what you are FOR instead.”

                                                                                                               - Teal Swan


In our society, we are so conditioned to focus on what we are against. 


Today, entire platforms, movements, philosophies and political agendas can be based on this “against-ness”. 


In our personal and...

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Vision Without Action is Merely a Dream

May 15, 2021

“Vision without action is merely a dream. Action without vision just passes the time. Vision with action can change the world.”  

                                                                                           - Joel A. Barker


I believe we are all born with a vision for what we want in our lives inside of us. 


Just think back to when you were child and the numerous visions you had for what you wanted to be in when you “grew up”.  Your imagination was boundless.  I personally wanted to be a cartoonist, a doctor, an astronaut and a super-hero (Actually, when I was 5-years old, I WAS Batman).  


I believe these visions are set inside of us so that we have a path...

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4 Questions to Create Forward Focus

May 11, 2021

“It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light.”

                                                                                  - Aristole Onasis


Each year, I am blessed to share my message of Black Belt Leadership and its Mind of a Champion principles with several groups across the country.


During many of these sessions, I discuss how the negative stories we create in our minds about our lives can dis-empower us and keep us from experiencing the happiness and success we desire. 


In contrast, I also share how Forward Focused thinking, can be used to overcome our perceived obstacles, and also re-frame our challenges as blessings in our lives when we really look at them with an open mind and heart.


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Was the Ticket Good or Bad?

May 02, 2021

“There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so.”

                                                                                   - Hamlet


It is easy for all of us to label experiences in our lives as "good" or "bad" based on how they compare to our expectations.  It can be easy to reflect on our experiences as “bad” when things don’t go the way we planned. 


However, if the recent pandemic has taught us anything, it is that we need to be flexible in how we view situations and nimble in our approach to dealing with challenges that arrive us safely and triumphantly on the other side


It is often not until much time has passed that the situations we have judged as the most negative can be seen as...

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Just One Push-Up, One Sit-Up and One Jumping Jack

Apr 25, 2021

“Success isn’t always about greatness.  It’s about consistency.  Consistent hard work leads to success.  Greatness will come.”

                                                                                             -  Dwyane Johnson


As I was hesitating to begin my daily mini-exercise routine this morning because I felt tired and sorry for myself, I was reminded of a story I heard many years ago.   


An elderly man who seemed to defy aging walked into a gym. 


In his early nineties, he still possessed a strong and lean frame with a powerful chest and biceps and triceps a teenager would be jealous of. 


His legs and his back were as solid as tree trucks,...

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The Power is Already Within You

Apr 19, 2021


"Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is wisdom.  Mastering others is strength; mastering yourself is true power."

                                                                                                   - Lao Tzu


This power is already within you.


Several times each year I have the honor to co-facilitate, with my business partner, Theresa Byrne, our life-changing personal empowerment workshops we call, Higher Self-Defense. 


Higher Self-Defense (HSD) is an adrenal self-defense training where adults/teens from various backgrounds, life experiences and skill levels come together to experience what they tell us is a truly life changing...

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4 Keys to Dreaming B.I.G So You Can Create What You Want in 2020

Dec 24, 2019

Most dying people regret not the things they did but the things they didn’t do.”

                                                                                           – Olga Rickards

If you are like me, the end of the year is a time of reflection of what was completed and experienced over the past 12 months and what is to be pursued and created in the upcoming year.


Many times, the pursuits we are inspired to embark upon in the new year get quickly put to rest by our fear of possible failure.  This is especially true when we have the “evidence” of our past to rationalize our not taking risks.  It is then easier to accept playing small, because although it is uncomfortable, it is safe. 



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How to Move from "Good Enough" to Excellence in 3 Easy Steps

Dec 09, 2019

“If you are going to achieve excellence in big things, you develop the habit in little matters. Excellence is not an exception, it’s a prevailing attitude.”

                                                                                            - General Colin Powell


Each martial arts class I teach ends with the same question posed to my students, “What’s our goal?”


With enthusiasm they respond in unison, “Black Belt Excellence, sir!”


In the martial arts, the concept of excellence is a reminder that our intention is to always do our best and to show up as the highest expression of ourselves in attitude, focus and action in everything we do.  We know when we do this, more times...

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5 Steps to Transform Fear into Fruition in 2020 (and beyond)

Dec 02, 2019

“Vision without action is merely a dream. Action without vision just passes the time. Vision with action can change the world.”  

                                                                                                      - Joel A. Barker

I believe we are all born with a vision for what we want in our lives inside of us. 


Just think back to when you were child and the numerous visions you had for what you wanted to be in when you “grew up”.  Your imagination was boundless.  I personally wanted to be a cartoonist, a doctor, an astronaut and a super-hero (Actually, when I was 5-years old, I WAS Batman).


I believe these visions exist inside of us so we have a means to...

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Great Leaders Know Gratitude is NOT Just a Feeling, It’s a Practice

Nov 26, 2019

“People aren’t grateful because they are happy, they are happy because they are grateful.”

                                                                                                            - Anonymous


This coming Thursday, we will be joining our family and friends around the table to celebrate one of my favorite holidays, Thanksgiving. 


In addition to indulging in an array of traditional foods like turkey, mashed potatoes and pumpkin pie, we will also pause to reflect on the many blessings in our lives and share our appreciation for family, friends and the many wonderful things our life provides us.


While taking a day to remember and express our gratitude is...

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