Live Your Life as a Champion NOW!


Create a Life of Power, Passion and Purpose with this Proven 8-Step System


Even if you feel unclear, uncertain and believe you don't have the strategies, tools or time to make profound changes in your life

WHAT IF.............

You could become the most empowered version of your Self - experiencing the greatest levels of joy, fulfillment and impact possible by becoming a true Champion in both your personal and professional lives?


The truth is.........







I know that you have worked hard to get where you are and that you are working even harder to keep it all together.

But, you have that knawing feeling inside that there is something more to life than gaining titles, getting promotions and accumulating material things.

However, you are too scared to make the change because you fear you might lose it all.
The truth is, you can have it all, when you tap in and listen to the champion inside of you and take action.
The time is NOW to begin the journey to discover your Inner Champion!

Champion, I have met literally THOUSANDS of people who wanted to make positive change in their lives but didn't take the steps to make it happen.

Deep down inside, they know if they keep doing what they've always done, they're going to keep getting what they've always gotten, yet they refuse to take action.

Sometimes, months, years and even lifetimes move by and they are still stuck where they've always been.

So what gives?


Maybe this sounds familiar to you.


"I want to make positive changes in my life but........."

If you read any of the above and said to yourself, "Hey, that sounds a little (or a lot) like me" then.....


You've found the right program.

Introducing The Mind of a Champion Online Course

8 Weeks to Creating a Life of Power, Passion and Purpose!

Working with life-leadership coach Chris Natzke in this dynamic course of self-discovery, you'll receive answers to the following questions:

> How can I use the Mind of a Champion principles to get really clear on my life purpose and vision?

> What are effective strategies and tools to help me overcome the obstacles that always seem to get me off course?

> How can I maximize my gifts and talents, so I can serve at the highest level possible?

> How can I truly get clear on what is important to me, so I can make the most of my time, energy and focus?

> How can I develop a plan of action, so I can live my dreams not only in the upcoming year, but in years to come?

In this course, participants will be guided through an in-depth journey of self-mastery through powerful weekly lessons, to help them gain clear direction for their life purpose, utilize proven tools to overcome obstacles, take action on their championship plan, and much, much more by accessing their own Inner Champion.

Begin your Mind of a Champion Journey Today!



One Time Payment

For a Limited Time Only

*NOTE* All prices are listed in USD and are a limited time offer.



4 monthly payments

For a Limited Time Only 

*NOTE* All prices are listed in USD and are a limited time offer.

"While working with Chris, I was hired for a position that has proven to be lucrative, professionally satisfying, and has the potential for incredible growth. If I had not been working with Chris, I would not have had this courage or confidence to pursue the career opportunity. "

Meg Reynolds
Mind of a Champion Coaching Client

"Chris is an impressive amalgam of compassion, wisdom, excellence, reliability, and insight. His optimism is contagious: after speaking with Chris, you are confident that your obstacles can be overcome and your goals brought to fruition. "

Dale Wetmore
Mind of a Champion Coaching Client

"He was instrumental in understanding my specific needs and identifying outside resources/materials to accelerate my progress. I have been blessed to work with Chris Natzke in his Black Belt Leadership Coaching program and look forward to building on my experience! "

Salman Adil
Mind of a Champion Coaching Client

"Chris possesses such great wisdom and integrity along with patient guidance, while really challenging me. He is a strong-hearted and wise leader, who walks beside me on the journey and I am forever grateful. I am lucky and so is anyone else who walks with him."

Rich Crum
Mind of a Champion Coaching Client

Here's what you'll learn in this course....

In using the martial arts belt ranking system as a guiding metaphor, we will actively examine my 7 Qualities of Black Belt Leadership in each area of your life. During our time together, we will explore the following:

Session One – “White Belt” – Creating a Purposeful Vision for Your Life

  • Find clarity of your unique purpose and vision so that you can powerfully create the life you truly desire.

Session Two – “Yellow Belt” – Being the Change you Wish to See

  • Discover the power of BEing so that you can become the person you want to be in the future - NOW!

Session Three – “Orange Belt” – Personal Integrity

  • Release your disempowering beliefs and get clear on your most empowering beliefs, priorities and actions so that you can be true to yourself and others.

Session Four – “Green Belt” – Conscious Persistence

  • Learn to utilize proven and practical tools for success so that you can overcome obstacles, distractions and self-sabotage when they arise.

Session Five – “Blue Belt” – Compassionate Service

  • Take a deep dive inside yourself so that you can find your own personal answers to these important life questions: Where shall I go? What shall I do? And whom shall I serve?

Session Six – “Brown Belt” – Acceptance & Surrender

  • Discover what you are holding onto and what you can let go of, so that you can be your most empowered Self.

Session Seven – “Red Belt” – Inspired Action

  • Move out of your comfort zones by taking direct, focused and empowered action so that you can make your dreams come true.

 Session Eight – “Black Belt” – Living a Life of Self Mastery

    • Powerfully integrate these principles of self-leadership so that you become and "Black Belt" in your Life not only today, but for the rest of your life.


> Guides you in creating a clear and purposeful vision for your life

> Helps you to access the power that only comes by living life as your Truest Self

> Assists you in getting in touch with how to profoundly serve in your personal and professional lives by powerfully sharing your unique talents and gifts

> Nuetralizes your Energy Drains so you can focus your full attention and intention on the people, places and things that are most important to you

> Provides the path to move out of you Comfort Zones and take Inspired Action so you may truly show up as your Championship Self

Here's what's included in your program!

This course provides you all you need to begin your journey to become a Black Belt in Life Leadership


You'll learn the complete method to become a Black Belt in Life Leadership through concept specifice video lesson plans and bonus videos to take you from concept, to inquiry, to ACTION!


You will receive an Implentation Guide with each session to provide specifice lesson support and guide you through each module as you take a deep dive to access your Inner Champion.


Questions along the journey? We've got you covered, Champion! You'll have the 24/7 support you need to create your Championship Life.  Ask questions, get feedback, and share wins!

Dear Champion:
I'm Master Coach Chris Natzke.  I am not only a champion myself, but I have been training others to find their own Inner Champion for over four decades. 
As an 8th Degree Black Belt/Master Instructor and former national Taekwondo champion, I rank in the top 1% of all martial artists in the world. 
As a life-leadership coach, keynote speaker and author, my passion is sharing my unique brand of Black Belt Leadership so others may discover the most empowered version of themselves – leading to clarity of purpose, increased confidence and the courage to take inspired action to make their dreams come true.


Begin your Mind of a Champion Journey Today!



One Time Payment

For a Limited Time Only

*NOTE* All prices are listed in USD and are a limited time offer.



4 monthly payments

For a Limited Time Only

*NOTE* All prices are listed in USD and are a limited time offer.


Leaders, students of transformation and indviduals who are committed to their continual growth and expansion who are READY TO:

> UNDERSTAND themselves more deeply

CREATE a powerful vision and plan for their life

> IDENTIFY OBSTACLES that have held them back in the past and take action on a plan to overcome them

OWN THEIR GIFTS and create strategies to brilliantly share those with others in their personal and professional life

LET GO of the things in their life that no longer serves them, so they may focus all of their energy on the things that DO

> TAKE INSPIRED ACTION in ways they have never before to create the Championship Life they deserve

Maybe you're just beginning your personal journey of self-discovery, or perhaps you're you have been on this path for quite some time, .  Either way, you consider yourself to be an action taker who is committed to creating positive transformational change in your life.


If you're nodding your head, then the Mind of a Champion path and THIS course for you.


  • You don't have a burning desire to make positive change in your life.  

  • You don't believe that there is something bigger inside of you that is wanting to express to make a more profound difference in the world.

  • You have a history of purchasing online courses and not implementing or completing the course work.

"Chris Natzke’s Black Belt Leadership life coaching program has changed my life. It’s like diving into a pool and realizing you know how to swim. Nothing is the same. There’s no going back."

Terry Harmel
Mind of a Champion Coaching Client

"I would highly recommend anyone to work with Chris whether you’re overcoming obstacles or breaking through to a new level of success in your life (perhaps both). Whenever I feel uncomfortable in a situation, I think of Chris and it’s almost like he is standing behind me, supporting me yet not letting me go backwards or withdrawing back into my comfort and nudges ever so slightly to move me forward in the direction of my dreams, which begin to come true just on the other side of my comfort zone. "

Amber Schoenrock
Mind of a Champion Coaching Client

"I highly recommend that you be a part this event. I have personally been working with Master (Chris) Natzke for several months now and I have seen and personally experienced great improvements in both my business life as well as my personal life. I have worked with (him) in the development of my Business Management, Business Marketing, as well as Time Management and Life Development. My personal opinion is that Master (Chris) Natzke is worth his weight in GOLD. And I guarantee that you will not be disappointed with his programs... Thank you Master Natzke!!!"

Troy Clayton
Mind of a Champion Coaching Client

"Through Chris’s guidance I have learned to trust myself…….I feel for the first time in my life that I have control over who I am – I will “be” who I want to be."

Monique Nobil
MInd of a Champion Coaching Client

Frequently Asked Questions

The moment you purchase you'll immediately receive an email with login information giving you instant, lifetime access to Mind of a Champion Home Study Course

The Welcome Module and Module 1 will be open and then each week you'll receive a new Module!

You have lifetime access to all Modules & Bonuses, as well as, all future updates and additions!  


This is a course for leaders who are looking to take their lives to new and empowered heights.

In Martial Arts we say the enemy of excellence is "good enough".  If you are tired of just being good enough and are looking to achieve new and expansive levels of happiness, fulfillment and excellence in EVERY aspect of your life - this course is for YOU!


Of course! Absolutely NO Martial Arts training is necessary to take the Mind of a Champion Home Study Course, because it is not a Martial Arts course, at all.  Rather, it is a training in personal empowerment and transformation which uses martial arts a metaphor for self-leadership.  No kicking, punching or grappling is required (unless you plan to add it as part of your physical and mental transformation plan).


This is a great question. I understand that investing in your life and business can be scary. Truth is, the answer to the "will it work?" question depends on YOU.  Just as I would never guarantee a new White Belt student would attain their Black Belt just by enrolling in a Martial Arts Program, I cannot guarantee success in this program just by your investing in it.  However, just as I would tell that same White Belt student, if you dedicate yourself to the program and show up fully, your Black Belt is indeed attainable.  The same is true for this program.  Once again, it is up to YOU!

Results vary depending on the individual and I make no guarantees (my lawyers make me say that haha).  

However, if you follow the steps, take action, and complete the course work then... YES it will work. These are proven life-leadership principles that I have used in my own life and when working with my one-on-one coaching clients and Martial Arts students. As with anything, it will work if you work it.


I don't know your financial situation, and don't have a financial advisor background. The LAST thing I want is for you to feel stressed or pressured in the money department.  However, I'll tell you the times in my life that I invested in tranformational programs for myself, they always paid greater dividends than what I invested.

We also have a payment plan option for your convenience. 

(As always, consult your financial advisor for professional advice.)


Absolutely! The moment you enroll in the Mind of a Champion Home Study Course Do-It-Yourself (DIY) version, you'll have instant, lifetime access. You can work on the course whenever it works for your schedule, as well as, revisit each session you complete... And don't worry, I'll be checking in via email to be your capability partner and make sure you finish the course!


Yes! If you are not happy with the Mind of a Champion Home Study Course within the first 30 days after purchase, we will grant a full refund when you fulfill the following qualifications.

a) Complete all training and implementation guides.

b) Send Black Belt Leadership evidence of effort (i.e. completed Implementation Guides, Visioning Ideal Scenes, Weekly and Quarterly Targets, etc.).

c) Provide us with reason for why you are dissatisfied with the Mind of a Champion Home Study Course.

***Black Belt Leadership has the right to deny any refund request. If you have a history of buying online courses and not implementing them, we kindly ask that you not purchase this program.  All buyer's remorse refund requests will NOT be granted. 

Enroll Now

The time is NOW to begin your journey to discover your Inner Champion and create the life of Power, Passion and Purpose you deserve.


50% Complete

Two Step

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